

A woman of substance is a woman of power, a woman of positive influence and a woman of meaning. To be branded a woman of substance is one of the greatest compliments one can give a woman that wants to be an “influential” female. Below, we have assembled four qualities a girl/woman should possess in order to become a “woman of substance.” One must be a: a woman who uses her voice; a woman who has found a dream in life, pursued it and stands tall; a woman that lives up to her morals and values- and always remain aware of them and a woman who embraces her individuality and happy the way she is.

But women of substance are often unsung heroines, ‘ordinary’ women who do extraordinary things but are often recognized and fully appreciated only by those closest to them in this case their associations or professional bodies or communities. Of course, these ‘ordinary’ women aren’t really ordinary at all. They are women who stand up to be counted. They are the ladies who go out there and correct an injustice, or help raise money for charity.

Our goal is to reach out these personalities who are confident enough to face everyone, unafraid to put forward her views, opinions, and ideas.